Carmen Public Library 421 W. Main, Carmen, Oklahoma 73726

Current and Coming Events

March 31 Carmen Town Benefit at the Senior Citizens Center and Fire Dept.
April is National Poetry Month
April 2nd-4th Oklahoma Library Conference, Heather will be attending.
April 7th is FOLIO's Donut Day, Orders and money for Krispy Kreme Donuts, by the dozen, must be in by the 5th of April. Donuts can be picked up at the library or delivered on the 7th.
April 15th-21st National Library Week
April 20th Author Sheldon Russell will be here for a book signing and have copies of his books available for purchase
April 21st Concession stand at O'Neil farm auction
This years Summer Reading Program will be OKLAHOMA KIDS: A KALEIDOSCOPE, we have a lot of great ideas planned. The program will start in June, dates have not yet been set.